MAGGIE | my dear

There’s something sacred about a mother and daughter relationship.  It is super intimate and intense, sometimes volatile, always sanctifying.   I see myself in her spirit and character and flaws.  I’m overwhelmed by her beauty.   We can argue like cats and laugh like crazy folks and she hugs me so tight when I’m sad.

I wish for her a life of freedom, untethered by others’ expectations.   When she talks about spots she wants to explore, I hope with all my heart that she goes on these life-changing adventures and sees God in the people and the places.  When she talks about her dreams, I listen and I hope she chases hard after them.  I want her to know that she’s got what it takes, not matter what it is.  I want her to live with a solid self respect.   I want her to understand that she doesn’t have to settle when it comes to a husband, but that she can be choosey, yoking herself to someone who will lead her and that she will respect.   I don’t want her to underestimate her talent and creative spirit, but to cultivate it so it’s always fertile ground, a joy-filled and passionate alternative to the everyday mundane.  I hope she will read so many books her mind is overflowing with heroes, characters who encourage better, more thoughtful living.   I want her to receive criticism with grace. I hope she doesn’t make excuses, but owns her mistakes.   I hope she will treat herself with as much compassion as she treats her best friends.   I want her Savior to be the hope she clings to, who she turns to and lives for.   I want her to know she is deeply, deeply loved and treasured ALWAYS.

So many things I want for this daughter of mine.  Mine.   And that word catches in my throat because I know she’s mine, but more importantly, she’s God Almighty’s.   I have her for a time, to do my best and walk out the hard stuff, to be a soft nest, but mostly to point her to the Lord and help her know true satisfaction comes when bringing Him glory.

oh Maggie, oh my.

amy teague



Tulsa, Oklahoma