MATERNITY | jessie

My darling friend, Jessie, will be having a baby any day now.  I remember the day she sat at my table and told me she was pregnant like it was yesterday and here we are, 8 months down the road.   I couldn’t be more excited for Jessie and Lee.  This baby has been prayed for for years and years.   Something I love about Jessie is that she’s always wanted to be a mom, knowing even as a little girl that she was going to be great at mothering.  I think that’s really special.  I always said the exact opposite about myself and even questioned if having kids was the right path for me.   So watching this young woman mother and parent and fulfill her heart’s wish is life-giving and inspiring.   She doesn’t do anything half way, she’s all in, full of grace, open to adventure, giving it all she’s got.  She’s the first to admit when she got something wrong, has a hard time asking for help, and is the kind of friend some people are never lucky enough to find.

My prayers are with her through each day as we count down to the due date.   I don’t have many friends in the baby stage now so I’m already excited to snuggle a wee one, smell it’s perfect heaven scent, and watch Jessie blossom with her new chick in the nest.

Little DewDrop, come quickly.   We are anxious to meet you!

amy teague



Tulsa, Oklahoma