Beyond Time

“The question is not whether the things that happen to you are chance things or God’s things because, of course, they are both at once. There is no chance thing through which God cannot speak- even the walk from the house to the garage that you have walked ten thousand times before, even the moments when you cannot believe there is a God who speaks at all anywhere. He speaks, I believe, and the words he speaks are incarnate in the flesh and blood of our selves and of our own footsore and sacred journeys. We cannot live our lives constantly looking back, listening back, lest we be turned to pillars of longing and regret, but to live without listening at all is to live deaf to the fullness of the music. ” -Frederick Buechner

I was recently introduced to Frederick Buechner’s book, The Sacred Journey. I found myself dog-earing pages, making notes, transcribing whole passages into my journals. The minute I finished the book, I picked up the next one and started in… I can see why my dear friend who gifted me the books so highly recommended the books, even saying how they transformative they were in her spiritual life.

I’ve experienced years of intense dedication and intense apathy in my spiritual life. Seeking and FINDING felt illusive. I looked to church, community, books, friends, and lists of things to do in order to FIND answers, closeness, blessings, righteousness. And don’t get me wrong- all these things are beneficial, but ultimately I needed to seek God.

In the last few years I’ve given my study over to Scriptures and to church history. I’m still reading books, still meeting with friends and community, but my primary source for seeking answers has become my bible and my continuous prayer is for wisdom and understanding.

I’m on a sacred pilgrimage, a holy expedition.

PILGRIMAGE: a journey or search of moral or spiritual significance. Typically, it is a journey to a shrine or other location of importance to a person’s beliefs and faith, although sometimes it can be a metaphorical journey into someone’s own beliefs.

What are you seeking?

How do you seek?

Lord, help me not to become a pillar of longing and regret. Give me the eyes to see your gifts, the awareness of your presence, the ears to hear your words, and the heart to obey.

amy teague



Tulsa, Oklahoma


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