These are some of my favorite people on the planet. It’s always fuzzy when we try to remember how long we’ve been friends… five years? six? I guess I can hardly remember a time I didn’t talk to my Jessie.
She is one of those faithful and loyal friends. The kind who would offer to kick knees in or bring over emergency chocolate. Jessie tells the truth, even when the truth is hard or unpopular. She believes the best in folks.
She just doesn’t give up on people.
I’m so glad too. Because I know she won’t give up on me.
I feel so lucky to be able to do Jessie’s family portraits. Photographing her people is always fun, even though she swears it’s going to be crazy town. Maybe it is a little crazy… but it’s the sweet, amazing, joy filled crazy that makes me wish the sunset wouldn’t happen so darn fast.
oh and p.s. Jessie is also a super talented photographer!