POPPY | greenhouse

Every mom who has chosen to educate her child questions… Is this the right choice? Am I good enough for this? Have I chosen the right curriculum? Will they grow into productive adults? Will they ever learn to read? How are they comparing with other children their ages? Am I missing something vital?
So many decisions are required, school years mapped, transcripts written and the weight can feel overwhelming. After all, I didn’t get my degree in education. I didn’t even WANT to school my children.

The years have been challenging and rewarding.  I love spending time with my kids, especially as they get older.   Our discussions are rich and deep and they ask hard questions that require me to think in new ways, defend long held beliefs, and search out answers.

Educating my children has educated me.  I know more about History, Science, and Geography than I ever did.  My curiosity is alive and my sense of wonder is renewed.

Sure, the trade-offs are huge.  I long for a clean house, time alone, less responsibility.   On the days that fall apart, I struggle with guilt.  I imagine what it would be like to drop off my kids in the morning and pick them up seven hours later, how much happier I would be to see them after time away.

But it would get old fast.

I love watching them learn and experience life.  I love that I intimately know how far they’ve come, how hard they’ve worked, how much has been accomplished.   I love when connections are made- when they link information together, have keen moments of awareness, conquer a fear.

amy teague



Tulsa, Oklahoma