WHOLE 30 | week one

Last June I successfully completed my first round of Whole 30.  I couldn’t believe how different I felt AND that I lost 18 pounds over the 30 days plus the additional 15 days of food group reintroduction.  I had no idea consuming sugar and dairy was making me feel so bad.  Achy joints and frequent headaches was just my normal.  After completing W30, I felt younger, my skin was clearer, and I had to buy smaller jeans… bonus.  I also felt a huge sense of accomplishment that I could live with discipline in the area of my life.

Here I am seven months later tackling Whole 30 again.   Why?  Because my choices have totally spiraled and I’m back to sugar and baked goods and whipping cream… and I feel crappy.  And it’s January, so why not?


Success with Whole 30 totally comes down to planning.  I’ve spent hours reading recipes and books and scouring Pinterest for delicious options that will work even for my non-participant family members.

I’ve found that I’m very happy eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch.  I typically drink a couple of cups of black coffee, 2-3 farm fresh eggs, maybe with some roasted tomatoes or wilted spinach.  Lunch is usually leftovers or a huge salad with grilled chicken and oil and vinegar.

week one dinner

1.  Taco Salad with Magic Green Sauce

2.  Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala

3.  Salmon, Oven Baked Sweet Potatoes, Kale Salad (dressed with lemon juice and olive oil, salt and pepper)

4.  Tomato Bolognese Sauce with Pan Seared Zucchini Coins and Spaghetti Squash

5.  Faux Pho

6.  Sweet Potato Enchiladas

7.  Company Pot Roast with Oven Roasted Carrots
and Green Beans and Potatoes

snacks and extras

I usually make and store ghee, homemade mayonnaise, and Magic Green sauce.  Throwing together some egg or tuna salad, tossing roasted potatoes in ghee and herbs, and snacking on raw veggies with the Magic Sauce is a no brainer when these go-to items are in my fridge waiting.

Convenient snacks I usually have on hand:

Trader Joe’s plantain chips and guacamole, Apple Pie Larabars, Bananas and Almonds or Cashews, olives, Sliced Apples, celery with almond butter,  hard-boiled eggs, hot tea, LaCroix

I’ll update with Week Two Menu in the next few days.


amy teague



Tulsa, Oklahoma